Motion for creation

Servo-electric unscrewing systems and linear actuators for efficient, clean and safe injection moulding production

Servomold drives the realization of modern injection molding processes with servo-electric automation concepts for rotary and linear movements. Operating at the core of innovative mold systems, our solutions are in use worldwide.

Portrait Bianca und Thomas Meister Geschäftsführung Servomold in Gang
Bianca and Thomas Meister, Management

A new chapter for Servomold

The start of 2022 marks the beginning of a new chapter in our 24-year company history: i-mold GmbH & Co. KG, formerly a supplier of gate molding technology and servo system solutions, will move forward as Servomold GmbH & Co. KG and specialize exclusively in the development, manufacture and sale of servo-electrical system solutions. This restructuring enables us to consistently develop the company and to focus more strongly on the development of innovative solutions for our customers.


Toolmaking meets automation

At Servomold, expertise in engineering is complemented by the innovative power of servo technology. A clean and efficient standard for the automation of injection molds is the result. As a consultant, designer and supplier, we stand for holistically integrated system solutions specifically adapted to the requirements of injection molding processes. Since 2012, more than 1100 Servomold systems have been implemented for customers around the world.

Industries on the move

Arbeiter in Reinraum Schutzbekleidung Overall bedient Anlage

Safe and clean components

Servomold system solutions create ideal conditions for the production of medical and pharmaceutical plastic components with comprehensive control and detectability

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Fabrikarbeiter Hand füllt Plastikbehälter mit Pulver

Efficient and reliable

Short cycle times, maximum output: Our technology supports your production with systems with maximum availability - even for high-cavity applications

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Roboter montieren Fahrzeuge - Automatisierte Montagestraße in Fertigungshalle

Complex technical requirements

In the field of electronic components, our experience allows us to meet any process requirement while meeting the highest technical standards

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Servomold Mitarbeiter demonstriert Systemlösung für interessiert blickende Kunden

Moving global industries

Innovative solutions are our response to the specific needs of many different industries around the world

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Complexity calls for creativity

Short cycle times, high process control, clean production: If you want to set global industries in motion, you have to break new ground and develop exceptional solutions. That's why the team behind Servomold gives its all every day. The more complex the requirement, the greater our incentive.



More information, more Servo

Applications, projects, current topics and insights behind the scenes.

Your Servomold contact

We are happy to advise you on the ideal Servomold solution. Please contact us with your inquiries, ideas and suggestions.

Meet Servomold

Meet us or one of our distributors at national and international events.

's Hertogenbosch, Niederlande
18. September 2024

Kunststoffenbeurs 18 – 19 September 2024

Friedrichshafen, Germany
15. October 2024

Fakuma 15 – 19 October 2024

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